Located in Palo Alto, California, Point Forward is a pioneer in using ethnographic research to help companies understand complex human behavior and how it matters to their business. We deliver clarity and conviction about what to do next.


Our Clients

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Featured Cases

How Dogs Live with American Families

Our ethnographic research with pet owners found that while pets have gained greater membership in families, pet food packaging has not reflected this shift. MORE


For Chick-fil-A, it all starts with service. We worked with the Atlanta-based company to go beyond a customer service philosophy to create a customer experience strategy that reflected their values. MORE  

the Symbolism of the Pick-up Truck  

An automotive company approached us with an interesting question: what is the future of pick-up trucks as the US becomes more urban and reliant on services? MORE


Nurses need patient time

Kaiser Permanente conducted a time and motion study of inpatient nurses and found a concerning statistic: during each 8-hour shift, they spend only 90 minutes actually caring for patients. MORE

The shape of Real estate inside the fridge

Point Forward’s study of family beverage habits led to a big innovation for the packaging industry. MORE



New technologies have fundamentally changed the landscape of the retail industry. For Intel, the new era offers huge opportunities, but also important challenges. MORE

We help companies find new ways to support joy, exploration, self-awareness, generosity, flexibility, clarity, and connection—the experiences that are most meaningful to people.


We like to find the big questions that cut to the heart of an organization's challenge.

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Please reach out. Throw your toughest challenge at us.