

We see them driving around every day: delivery and service vehicles from nearby small businesses. More and more of these companies are employing digital tools to help them manage their fleets. As a result, there’s a dwindling need for dispatching offices to answer phones, track schedules, and handle customers’ questions. AT&T sensed an opportunity and asked us to help them build a new small business strategy. MORE

Printing and Emotions in ARCHITECTURE

HP wanted to understand what role paper has in the future of architecture and how they can better support architects with their large format printers. To gather insights, we designed an immersive research program involving ethnographic observation and interviews in architecture firms in the US, Germany, and Japan. Observing architects closely, we learned that paper prints have important utility and emotional meaning that digital modeling doesn't provide. MORE

the Technology of SHopping

New technologies have fundamentally changed the landscape of the retail industry. For Intel, the new era offers huge opportunities, but also important challenges. We worked with the tech leader to examine shopping from both the consumer and retailer perspectives. In-context interviews in the U.S. and China revealed the financial and emotional drivers of shopping and selling behaviors. MORE